AGM Contest Enrollment Page

It's Contest Time!
This is the registration page for all agm contests.
To enroll online you must be a Professional member of the American Guild of Music and must have a user login name and password. If you do not have a log in, you must request a login name and password by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with "Enrollment Password" as the subject line.
When you first log in, you may want to change your password so it is easier to remember. You should also change your password hints in case you forget your password. Also, please check your contact information as displayed on the Home page and make any corrections that are necessary.
To enroll your students, click on "Show Existing Students" from the menu on the left. You will see a list of students you enrolled last year. Please add any new students who will be enrolling this year. As you add students, you will be asked to provide the instrument(s) that the student will be playing. Please refer to the contest rules to ensure that you select the correct instrument and length of study for your students.
Once all your students are listed, you may enroll them in the contest by clicking the "Enroll" link next to a student's name. Use the buttons to add solos, duets, and groups for each student.
As you enroll students you will see the total enrollment cost shown on the screen. As soon as you are done enrolling your students, please pay the enrollment fee using PayPal, our online payment processor. PayPal will allow you to use your choice of payment methods, including Visa, MasterCard, and eCheck. Your prompt payment is appreciated because none of your student's will be considered for enrollment until your complete payment is received.
If you have any questions or trouble, please email us. We look forward to seeing you at the contest!